Dental Bridges


Besides the aesthetic value provided, these dental services that are designed to improve the appearance of teeth can also have an effect on function, comfort, and oral health in general. For example, when you have lost some teeth, the space created may allow the surrounding teeth to shift into that space. This results in a misalignment in your bite which could lead to problems with your jaw. Furthermore, the shifted teeth may also be harder to clean, making them more susceptible to gum disease, tooth decay, or additional tooth loss.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Just like dental crowns, bridges are also fixed prosthetic devices that bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A typical bridge is composed of one or more artificial teeth which are called pontics, held in place by two dental crowns or abutments. They are cemented onto the supporting teeth, or in some cases, fixed on an implant that has been placed next to the missing teeth.

Who Are Suitable Candidates?

Anyone who is missing one or more consecutive teeth can be a candidate for a dental bridge. Those who have lost a larger number of teeth may be better suited for a fixed or removed partial denture. Proper advice will also be given upon consultation to arrive at a more suitable solution.

It is important that a patient’s remaining teeth are structurally sound and free from decay. A patient with unchecked gum disease must first be treated before bridgework can be done.

Benefits of Dental Bridges:

  • Replaces your missing teeth

  • Restores your smile

  • Restores your ability to speak and chew properly

  • Prevents the remaining teeth from shifting out of position

  • Permanently fixed, preventing it from moving like dentures

Bring back that perfect smile with reliable bridgework at Smilecraft. We have a team of dentists who are trained, certified and experienced to perform this delicate procedure. We also offer a range of services to promote overall dental and oral health. Book your appointment today and let’s get that beautiful smile back!