
  • Regular dentures

    Dentures are made of gum coloured acrylic/ acrylic and metal with artificial teeth and can be placed in and taken out when eating and talking. If there are teeth present, clasps may be added to make the dentures more secure.

  • Implant Supported Dentures

    In certain cases, dental implants may be the only option to help achieve a fitted denture that allows you to smile and eat with confidence. Come talk to us for more information on them!

What is the treatment procedure?

Dentures are a cost efficient way to replace multiple missing teeth and can also provide support to the face, lips and cheeks.

Our dentist will first take some moulds of the mouth and teeth. A customised bite may be taken in the same appointment or a second appoint.

Another appointment will then be needed to check the alignment and fitting of the dentures. This will be done in wax and can be adjusted ensure that the use of dentures is comfortable.

Once the new dentures are created at the lab, they will be ready for collection. Final adjustments will also be made on this last appointment.

Adjusting to the new dentures

Dentures are made of acrylic or metal, and for those who have not worn dentures prior, it may feel slightly bulky and your mouth may feel “crowded”. However, you will get used to it and will become less noticeable over time.

During the first few weeks of receiving your dentures, try to avoid hot and food with sharp edges, until you are comfortable more comfortable with sensing temperature and textures. For people who do not have teeth and have never had dentures, it is sometimes a challenge to regain control of the muscles for eating and talking. Have some soft foods instead, such as chicken porridge or steamed buns. As you gain confidence with every bite using your dentures, you can begin to enjoy different foods again.

Patients may also notice some ares that feel tightness or soreness in the gums. Much like a pair of new shoes, some areas areas might be a little tight and will require some adjustments.

In the event you require some adjustments to your dentures, give your attending dentist a call.