Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth removal is a fairly common procedure. They are called wisdom teeth because they erupt later than the rest of your teeth. However, with little room left inside the mouth when your wisdom teeth finally appear, they often come through in the wrong position. Their eruption often comes riddled with problems, such as impaction. This often lead to pain, infection or facial swelling.

The eruption of your wisdom teeth is considered a dental milestone that occurs between the ages of 18-21. They are called as such because they come in at a more mature age. They may make you feel some discomfort at the start, but when they come through correctly, they can help you chew.

In cases where part of the wisdom tooth has appeared through the gum and a part of it is still covered, the gum may become sore and swollen in a condition called “pericoronitis.” Bits of food and bacteria may collect under the gum’s edge and will be difficult to remove.

However, this can be managed using mouthwashes, certain cleaning methods, and possibly antibiotics if it is inflamed. If the problem persists, you may have to consider having the tooth removed.

Reasons for taking Wisdom Teeth out

  1. If your wisdom tooth is causing any form of discomfort.

  2. If the teeth only came through part of the way and are decayed or have a high risk of causing the neighbouring tooth to be decayed.

  3. Cellulitis (a bacterial infection to the tongue, cheek or throat.)

  4. Cysts or bengin growths

What is procedure for a Wisdom Tooth removal?

If the dentist thinks that you need to have your wisdom tooth removed, he will first have to confirm it through an X-ray of your mouth. This gives him a clearer view of how your teeth are positioned and whether a small surgery is required..

This procedure starts with you given a local anaesthetic injection to numb the area around the tooth. Thereafter, an incision may have to be created on your gum, and space is made to widen the socket. In some cases the tooth cut into smaller pieces before it is removed.