Dental Crowns

A Dental Crown, which is also referred to as a dental cap, is a prosthetic object that is permanently cemented onto a patient’s tooth. The purpose of a dental crown is to cover a patient’s damaged or cracked tooth, yet it also strengthens it and improves its overall appearance and alignment of the teeth.

Dental Crowns are made from the impression of a tooth or set of teeth they are going to cover. Before it is created, a dentist must reduce the tooth to fit the crown. A dentist may also place a temporary crown while the permanent crown is still in the making.

What A Dental Crown Looks Like

A Dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth — to cover the tooth to restore its shape and size and improve its appearance.

A crown serves as a helmet for your tooth, but it is also used for the following reasons:

  • Protect a heavily-filled tooth (i.e. teeth that have huge fillings)

  • Act as a permanent filling option (i.e. example if your filling keeps dropping out, as the filling materials are not strong enough)

  • In place of an implant restoration when there is insufficient bone for the implant

There are different crowning materials that are selected by a professional dentist and which are also used to meet to your various dental needs. Come contact us or drop by our clinic to find out more!