Dental Fillings

What are Dental Fillings?

Fillings are tooth coloured resin or made of metal and can help to replace tooth structure that has been lost to decay or damage.

Fillings can also be used to close up small gaps between teeth and make them look symmetrical.

How Are Fillings Done?

The tooth is first prepared for the filling. Tooth decay is first removed and then a tooth is built back up with filling material. The filling will then be shaped to match how you are biting to prevent breaking and discomfort.

If a small piece of your tooth is chipped, fillings can repair and restore it to a normal function and appearance and stop further decay by providing a barrier against bacteria.

In some cases, if the extent of tooth structure lost is too great, other options such as a crown may be needed. Come and see us for a consultation to find out more!

How long can Dental Fillings last?

Depending on the material used and the home care, fillings can last a long time. It would be best to come in regularly for 6 monthly check-ups so that we can help to assess how they are doing, and give you tips on how to improve your oral hygiene.